
Anti-crime is a continuous effort. Details are available in FILING. [[Latest UPDATE ]]

"the ISACC body was disbanded after a very successful awareness program of  what can be achieved by the community pulling together." Curly '2019

Facts of history in 2014
Has  Savusavu finally caught up to the rest of the world? How did/does Savusavu,  a top yacht destination, handle a spike in crime?

Savusavu  has always been a special place for me personally .  It's not just the vibrant small town but the varied and colourful harmonious mix of races and cultures who years ago decided to open their arms to yachts' people with a determination to be the best Port of Entry in all of Fiji, they have succeeded and continue to lead the way being recognized internationally as the easiest and friendliest port to enter in Fiji for yachts.

In past years we have had a few rare yacht break-ins but nothing serious and the police and courts dealt with the young criminals quickly. Over the period July/Aug/Sept/Oct  2014 the town  and nearby country side, retiree life style sub-divisions experienced an increase in the  number of break and entry-theft crimes. The instances of  drunken parties  on the shore of the Town were becoming common parties lasting 3 days non stop....and then we were amazed to realize there was also an increase in marine related crimes occurring  in the mooring fields of Savusavu and along the shore of Savusavu Town.

Concerned citizens approached the Town Council who became instantly concerned , their CEO called a Meeting on the 06 Aug 2014, inviting the widest cross section of the community and the Divisional Police Commander Northern [The top Police man on the Island]. I had attended to ensure that the ordinary international yachting cruiser was represented and to try and protect the yachting industry which involved the whole Community so I tabled a paper called "Economic Benefit of Yachting Tourism to Fiji" See attached] which included specific's for Savusavu. I was  surprised to be elected as the overall Independent Savusavu Anti Crime [ISACC] Chairman.The First meeting was an eye opener to all parties , the general public were upset and as I had always known what their reaction would be , YES they wanted to stop the crimes NOW- IMMEDIATELY!!! a very positive stance.

The next few monthly were very constructive, concerned members worked hard  to get the Message out that Anti -Crime is everyone's Responsibility- be pro-active tighten up your own security and watch your neighbours. 5 additional Police officers were transferred full time to Savusavu by the Police Commander. Monthly meeting were called and chaired by me. The meetings were  well attended The Community from within the members of the Anti Crime Group [ISACC] provided the bedding and cooking utensils for the new officers . Two of the marina's were  supportive initially, one of these marina's has continued their support . When asked by me to arrange a sevusevu with their nearby village they immediately facilitated  a traditional approach to the chief for a meeting asking for his help and support for yacht security. At the conclusion of the meeting the Chief gave us his blessing and said he would call some village meetings. This method of overcoming a security situation has turned out to be very effective.

I then encountered with great surprise resistance to admitting the we had a "Security Problem".....some in the yachting industry and others in the tourism industry did not want the Anti Crime group to continue their workI was accused of making a mountain out of a pimple. I was told overseas this would be ignored as damn it,  it is all relative we have had some 300 yachts enter Savusavu so far and only a few yacht break-ins etc. etc.  The statistics below are NOT acceptable to me and also more importantly unacceptable to the local people who work so hard to make Savusavu the best Port Of Entry.

The Statistic's just for Marine /Cruiser Crimes:- Jul/Aug/Sept/Oct
5 x Yacht Break-ins- damage to most yachts- items stolen -one yacht a large Cat was left in a terrible mess as it was turned over  opening every locker etc
2 x yacht attempted Break-ins- Criminals fled due to new Alarm Systems being installed ,nothing stolen
1 x Dinghy stolen from behind a Cruising Yacht -recovered by a fellow cruiser who saw and heard drunks with the dinghy, they fled when illuminated.
2 x Local Dinghy's stolen -Recovered by friends and relatives.
2 x a Local small runabouts stolen and recovered by Public /friends
2 x Cruiser Ladies had their Handbags stolen when enjoying a night out in town, one hand bag recovered via the local Taxis  locating the Criminal and leading the police to him resulting in an arrest and nothing lost from the Handbag.

Well folks, my angry and disappointed response to all those who do/did  not want to do anything about fighting crime, those who wish to hide Crime statistic's from their clients, you are simply condoning crime.  Anti-Crime is everyone's business. With today's communications only the foolish think they can stop bad news getting out.  I may be old fashioned, therefore I believe in involving every one -ask for their ideas - make people take more responsibility for their own security/safety, goodness yacht people do that when ever sailing across the oceans. They are realists. If they know of a problem they will help solve that problem.

Over the initial  period [ 2-3 months] I called  meetings of cruisers, the marina's were invited. The cruiser attendance was high for the meetings, after the understandable grumbling was heard out , the true spirit of cruisers came forth. The meetings became a nuts and bolts affair i.e. this is what we can do, a loose and immediate boat watch scheme was initiated. Lots of talk every where in town about yacht people buying alarms, sirens, horns and lights etc ... Alarms being tested, lights at night being put on at random times... The 
community knew the yachts people were getting prepared. Two Savusavu Boat Watch newsletters were sent out by me. Concerned Cruisers worked at helping the wider community via exploring and explaining what international boat watch schemes were all about , what the signage could be etc... The town centre was almost stopped when  30+  cruisers attended the main Savusavu Towns Anti Crime [ISACC] meeting at the town council chambers, there was not enough seating. Wow, did that ever send out the message that Crime was considered a major problem by the cruisers, the very people who are our guests in Savusavu - the very people that 
contribute so much money to our community.... 

It became  obvious that the Anti Crime Group {ISACC] needed Independent finance after 2 marina's out the 4 did not support an initiative to supply fuel for a govt boat to undertake mooring area's water patrols, plus the police did not react in a positive manner to the international neighbourhood watch concept, that the anti crime group had embraced and was pursuing to put in operation some how . How could we raise funds?

A few years ago a Canadian Yacht [named Oblio] caught fire with both crew being killed. The wreck had been hauled onto the town's foreshore, and no action was taken by govt to remove it. Then the concerned Savusavu Town Council and the govt's department of Environment had advertised for tenders to remove the wreck . The 
tenders received were apparently perceived as being excessive so the wreck has stayed on the shore. It was public knowledge that there were funds at the Town Council to remove the wreck.

I personally have lead the salvage of 11 Yachts over the years so I decided that with the use of Town Council equipment and the Volunteer help of Cruisers we could remove the wreck and sink it for a Scuba Dive site, provided the Anti Crime Group  [ISACC] was paid the Fee being held by the Town Council. The Savusavu Town Council has agreed. We currently wait for some legal issues to be solved then we will immediately proceed. Please see attached the  Project Oblio 2014 Proposal that was agreed to. It is a win win situation and it will provide some initial funding to fight crime.   Important Post Note; ISACC has now lost the Project Oblio funding-please go to Curly Filing for article scroll down to "Project Oblio 2014 Torpedoed"....

I feel we have had great  success in regards to reducing Maritime Crime since Aug when the ISACC was formed, with only one attempted yacht break-in foiled by a newly installed alarm system in the last 2 months. Even ashore the fact that we have been able to heighten awareness in the whole community re anti crime and that simple alarm systems can be installed at little cost, the fact that so many people have purchased professional alarm systems, and have increased security of homes and business's,  has had a positive effect in reducing crime.

The funds from Project Oblio will enable the signage to fully implement the boat/yacht watch and ashore the neighbourhood /business watch schemes, this will further help reduce Crime. 
Crime is almost non-existent in the outer cruising areas and if encountered the village turanga ni koro (spokes person) will very quickly sort it out.

In conclusion, I honestly believe that Savusavu is still the greatest  place to enter Fiji and spend quality time. Provided you take due normal care, avoid putting temptation in view,  and employ normal security on your vessel, it is as safe as you will find anywhere in the world.
Report by Curly Carswell - Nov 2014