Where Curly can be found
SV Shangri La is a "Down Easter 38 Ketch", built in Irvine, CA, USA during the 19's. She has been re-engine with a Volvo MD 2030. When in Savusavu she is normally moored off Surf and Turf over next to Nawi Island.
SV Shangri La was on of the yachts severely damaged during Tropical Cyclone Winston in 2016. She was driven off her mooring by other yachts dragging their moorings, going over 3 reefs and ending up the second to last yacht to the far EENE of Nakama Creek - 200 meter across the last reef in the mangroves. She was salvaged and after a trench was dug to deep water she was refloated. Repairs are ongoing wef Jan 2020, but there's light at the end of the tunnel.